Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Seriously, Can I poop in peace?

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There are a lot of bits of 'advice' that you are given when people find out you are going to be a parent.
  • Sleep when the baby sleeps. 
  • Enjoy it now, they grow up fast. 
  • Breastfeeding is best. 
  • I gave my kids formula and they were just fine. 
  • Cloth diapers save the environment. 
  • Disposable diapers are more convenient
  • Let her cry, you will spoil her. 
Oh, I could go on for days! However, in all the bits of 'advice' I was given no one really ever divulged what would happen to your life once you have a child. I mean, people would say, "it will never be the same." I would simply reply, "Oh, yes I know!" Did I know? Who was I kidding? I had no idea what was about to come!

What came was a complete invasion of my life! The life I had before kids is gone, a figment of my imagination. Bits and pieces of what was remain but are forever changed. The privacy and quiet that I once enjoyed, GONE! Privacy? yep non existent. When Kennedy was first born I would take her from room to room with me to avoid the nuclear meltdown that would ensue should I not be with in sight or smelling distance (those of you that breastfeed understand how important that one is). So she went with me to the kitchen, to my room, to the bathroom, to the living room and outside. Once I discovered baby-wearing, which is a life saver!, I was never without her-constantly being motor-boated lol

Once she discovered how to move on her own I could leave the room but she would always find me! It's like they have a built in homing device. Maybe a mommy Lo-jack of sorts and she had the key! Close the door to go to the bathroom? Sure if you want someone beating on it and yelling at the top of their lungs the entire time you are in there. Leave it open and you will have a toddler sitting on your lap while you go to the bathroom. Or she will be insistent upon finding your belly button, poking and pointing at stretch marks. Oh what fun.

This is the darkside of parenting that no one ever warned me about!

I love my girls and they simply are my world. Being their mommy is my paradise. Not being able to poop in peace or even shower without prying-curious eyes is truly ok with me. Because, one bit of advice that is ever so true, "they are only little once, enjoy it."

I intend to enjoy every minute, every curious glance, every point and poke, every question. I truly believe if I don't take the time to invest in my girls curiosity now, how will they ever want to share their life with me? If I don't invest in them now, will they every know that they are enough? Know that they are funny, interesting or beautiful just as they are?

-after while crocodile-

Monday, February 9, 2015

Tiny humans

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My day largely consists of babies and everything related to them! I don't mind one bit.
Seeing the world through their eyes for the first time is amazing. Today, our oldest started coloring for the first time! She has been playing with crayons for a couple of months now but today she scribbled all by herself.  Our youngest has started smiling and laughing.

Not all days are sunshine and roses though. Some days are tough :/ my babies cry I cry it's a mess! On those days I feel like I can't do enough, I am not enough, and honestly I feel like I have failed. On those days I think that I am bat-shit crazy to ever want to have kids again! Then I get that moment of peace and time to reflect on my day and other days and realize how truly blessed I am. My journey to motherhood was filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and a couple of dead ends. However, my journey, even though it was tough, was much easier than many women. At the worst part of my journey, it gave me an absolute unshakable faith in God. 

Really? During the worst? YES!! without a doubt. I wouldn't have the faith that I have now if it weren't for that horrible moment. Early in my journey I prayed for God to guide me on the path he had laid out for me. I promised to follow his path and not try to make my own. I asked for guidance and prayed that the his journey, and the decision to follow it, would be easy and bring me peace. I knew that if I was fighting for something that wasn't meant to be, it would cause me pain, anguish and make me question my faith in God. In my worst moment I knew that all of this pain was caused by me, me fighting for something that wasn't meant to be. No matter how badly I wanted it, it just wasn't meant to be. God had a different plan. 

Oh Boy has God's plan been good! I have an amazing husband who supports me on my worst days, and celebrates with me on my good days. I have not one but two!!! beautiful girls that are the light of my life. Even though this has all come to me much later in life than I wished for, it was what was laid out for me and I am blessed. 

"Faith is not knowing God can, it is knowing God will." If you believed and practiced this phrase, what would change in your life? How could your life be different. 

                                                      "Learning to accessorize!"

Today was a good day. I felt confident in my mommy abilities and accomplishments. Today I am thankful for this day, it is what will get me through the not so good days. 

-out the door dinosaur-

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I believe I missed my introduction!

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Hello virtual world! My name is Brandi Allen and I am a stay at home mom (SAHM) of 2 wonderful girls. I created this blog because I feel that I have a very blessed life. Not the type of life that would show up on MTV cribs or anything, but a life I am honored to live. I think that if sharing my daily struggles and successes with the world can help just one mom to feel better about her day or know that she isn't alone, then my time has been well spent!

So a little introduction into our life. We are a cloth diapering, babywearing, select vaccinating, grow our own garden (this spring), road tripin', campin' and fishin' type of family. We have a strong faith in God and know that he will always provide for us.

What can you expect to see here? ANYTHING! That is the beauty of this blog. I am here to replay my daily struggles and successes. I want to share being a mom with you! Sometime I will give you a little insight into how I became a mother (well we all know about the birds and bees, but I have a special journey).

As I sit here with my oldest at my feet working on her shape sorter. Yes she is only 15 months but man is she smart!! We have our hands full and are so excited to see what kind of person she becomes. Helping her explore the world and seeing it all for the first time through her eyes, well it is a feeling unlike any other. That is what motivated me to be a SAHM.

If you think you would like to read more about me and my life, please follow and share my blog with others! I know there isn't much here now, but there will be--I promise!

-Chop Chop Lollipop-

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